My Story about Non-Profit Fundraising, And Why I Recommend Barter

I fell in love with bartering a long time ago, long before I started this website for non-profit fundraising ideas.

This is my story about my love for barter, and why I believe a good barter and trade exchange can help you raise funds for your non-profit events and fundraisers.

In fact, when anyone asks me what is the single best fundraising idea ever for non-profits, I always answer, "Find a great barter and trade exchange and join as soon as possible."

Personal Bartering Works!

  • Years ago, when I was a scuba-diving instructor still living in South Africa, I traded scuba lessons in exchange for all-expenses-paid dive vacations. This included transportation, accommodation, meals, unlimited dives and boat rides. I love to scuba and I owe some of the best memories of my life to barter!

  • In my early twenties I spent a year back-packing around Europe. I was on a tight budget, but because I was willing to barter I managed to travel for many more months that would have otherwise been possible.

  • In Greece I sanded and painted the deck of a boat for an hour a day in exchange for a private cabin on-board.

  • In Belgium I washed dishes for two hours a day at one of Belgium's finest restaurants. In return, I enjoyed unlimited gourmet meals. (The best food I've ever eaten in my life!)

  • In Israel I waited tables at a cafe. In return I got to keep my tips, eat a great meal, and take food home with me.

Non profit fundraising

Barter and Trade Exchanges are Powerful

A decade ago, in Scottsdale, Arizona, I wanted to start my own business. At the time, I was a licensed acupuncturist with very little money. I started and built up my acupuncture practice with the help of a barter and trade exchange.

I traded acupuncture treatments for advertising, signs, business cards and fliers, a laptop computer, designer office furniture, housecleaning, salon services, restaurant meals, and a luxury condo vacation on the beach in San Diego.

Barter even covered all my moving costs when I moved to Tucson after my son was born. Now you know why I love barter! Bartering made the seemingly impossible... possible.

Bartering, with the help of a barter and trade exchange, can do all of this and so much more to help you with your non-profit fundraising.

These days, I devote all of my time and energy to creating fundraising ideas for this website, and introducing schools, charities, churches and other non-profits to the benefits of barter and trade. 

You can read more about all unique fundraising ideas and why I love building this website to help non-profits.

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