These cool prom invitations and prom theme invitation templates can all be customized for your unique prom.
All of the prom invitations on this page are print-on-demand invitations from an amazing company called Zazzle. It's free for you to join and create your own invites for your prom based on your unique prom theme.
If you choose, you can then showcase your invites in the Zazzle Marketplace for other people like yourself who are searching for invitations for their prom. If they like your designs and buy your creations, you make money for your prom.
You earn royalties, in an amount that you decide, for every sale. What's really great is that you don't have to buy any products in advance for your prom fundraiser. Here's how it works:
Upon creation, your products are instantly visualized on their website and offered in the Zazzle marketplace. When someone places an order, your unique product is made on-demand, usually within 24 hours. They handle everything, including the processing and shipping.
This prom fundraising idea is a wonderful way to raise funds for your prom... and a way for you to showcase the talented artists and photographers in your school. Ask volunteers from your school to donate copies of their original art and photographs to your prom fundraiser.